Rezeptbild Klassisches Spargel Rezept
rerecipe of the month

Recipe of the month of May: asparagus classic

For our connoisseurs in May we have:

Classic asparagus – with that certain something!

You need this for 4 people:

  •  1 kg of fresh white and green asparagus
  •  1 tsp salt for cooking
  •  1 teaspoon of sugar
  •  1 tsp lemon juice from a lemon
  •  1 kg of potatoes
  •  400 g sliced ​​ham
  •  a portion of hollandaise sauce
  •  Parsley for sprinkling
  •  1 vanilla twister to grind
  •  A little salt and pepper to season

And so everyone succeeds:

Bring water, salt, sugar and lemon to a boil. In the meantime, clean the asparagus, peel and tie together in portions with a cotton thread to form bundles and let it cook for about 18 – 20 minutes. The asparagus should still be a little crunchy. Drain the cooked asparagus well. In addition, cook potatoes. On the warm asparagus, grind 4-5 times real Hartkorn vanilla from the vanilla twister and arrange decoratively on dinner plates with potatoes and a little ham. Pour the hollandaise sauce over it and sprinkle with a little parsley, salt and pepper.

Our shopping tips for the recipe:
