It’s finally here – Christmas is next week! Now the last gifts are quickly obtained and everything is bought for the festive Christmas dinner. If you still have no idea for eating with your families, we have two suitable last-minute recipe ideas for you!
Starter – salmon tartare
Ingredients (4 people):
- 250 g smoked salmon
- 1 small shallot
- Lime juice
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- 1 tsp Young Kitchen scrambled seasoning
- 100 g sour cream
- Beetroot or alternatively a cucumber
- vinaigrette
- Chili – pimientos picantes
- salt and pepper
Cut the smoked salmon into small pieces and finely dice the shallot. Mix both together with a little lime juice, the oil and the scrambled spice and chill. Then mix the sour cream with a few drops of lime juice, salt and pepper. If you want to have some pep, you can also have some chili – pimientos picantes, z. B. from our mill. Then chill as well.
Now arrange finely sliced (or very thinly sliced) beetroot or peeled cucumber on a plate and drizzle with a little vinaigrette.
Take the salmon tartare out of the fridge and shape it into small balls with your hands. Now place the balls in the middle of the plate and use a teaspoon to spread small blobs of sour cream on the vegetable level. If you like, you can also decorate the whole thing with cress leaves.
And your starter is ready!
Main course – chicken fricassee in puff pastry patties

- 1 chicken (approx.1.5kg)
- Birch trees
- 150 g brown mushrooms
- 150 g peas or asparagus pieces
- 100 ml cream
- 5 tbsp butter
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- 6 puff pastry patties (also from the baker)
- 1 glass of white wine
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 tsp black peppercorns
- 5 juniper berries
- 1 clove
- Cayenne pepper
- tarragon
- salt
Wash, clean and chop the soup green. Place in a large saucepan with wine, bay leaf, peppercorns, juniper berries, clove and approx. 2 tsp salt. Place the washed chicken in the saucepan and pour with enough water that the chicken is just covered. Bring to the boil carefully and then simmer gently on low heat and half covered for approx. ¼ h.
Then remove the chicken and let it cool slightly. Then remove the meat from the bones and skin and cut into bite-size pieces.
Measure 800 ml of the broth through a sieve. Clean and slice mushrooms, then fry in a pan in a little butter.
Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, sprinkle in the flour and stir-fry. Slowly stir in the 800ml broth and then continue to stir until a creamy sauce is formed. Then everything about 5 min. Simmer. Add the frozen peas and / or asparagus tips and cook briefly. Then stir in the cream, add the mushrooms and chicken pieces and heat everything. Season with salt, cayenne pepper and lemon juice and stir in the tarragon leaves.
In the meantime, briefly heat the patties in the oven at approx. 140 ° C. When everything is ready, fill the patties with chicken fricassee, put on the puff pastry hood and serve. Worcestershire sauce goes well with this.
With this in mind, we wish you all a lot of fun cooking and contemplative Christmas days with your loved ones!