Brand ambassador

Brand ambassador Jacqueline Weinschneider in April

April April does what he wants, but not ours

Brand ambassador Jacqueline Weinschneider

This month we would like to introduce you to a face from the head office, from the sales department, after the warehouse and field service. Jacqueline Weinschneider is one of our team of apprentices who are currently being trained in a wide variety of departments and already became a permanent and full member of the Hartkorn spice professionals in their first year of training.

The sales office … oh oh oh oh. I hardly dare to go to the office because I know that things are controlled, but also hot. You don’t get upset here, but the phone almost never stands still. However, I do, namely in the door frame and wait two phone calls until I can finally open Ms. Weinschneider / that she was chosen for this honorable title of brand ambassador and that the usual interview and photo appointments are now due. However, my fear was unfounded, because Ms. Weinschneider reacts here as we are used to talking to our customers and employees on the phone: calm, level-headed and friendly. These are qualities that not everyone knows and lives today. That is why we are happy that we were able to win Ms. Weinschneider as an apprentice at the time. We attach great importance to the conscientious training of young people, and it is all the more fun when it is accepted with great joy and commitment. But enough of the hymns of praise, we come to the interview:

Hello Jacqueline! Nice that I was able to kidnap you from the lion’s den for a few minutes to ask you a few questions! I think you have already read one or the other interview and therefore know that it starts with a few facts. Let’s get started:

Short and sweet:

Q: Age?
A: 20

Q: How long has it been with Hartkorn?
A: June 2015

Q: Favorite spice?
A: Curry

Q: Nutmeg or cinnamon?
A: Cinnamon

Q: Hartkorn in 3 words?
A: Motivation, quality, promotion

Excellent! Then you can start with the “right” questions 🙂

Q: You’re still relatively fresh on the team. Therefore, your first encounter with Hartkorn should be remembered well. What do you remember spontaneously first?
A: The family interaction between my colleagues, which impressed me from the start.

Q: As a trainee in administration, you should go through several departments. You have been in the sales office for a long time now. What exactly is your job here?
A: A small part of my area of ​​responsibility is the care of customers and our field staff, as well as the processing of orders and invoices.

Q: How is school going?
A: Very well. I was allowed to shorten my training by one year.

Q: What do you wish for further training here at Hartkorn?
A: To continue to gain a lot of new experience and to learn as much as possible about the world of spices.

Q: I like my job because …
A: not one day like the other and there is always something new to learn

Enough talk about work. As a trainee, you hardly get any free time 🙂 Let’s talk about it anyway:

Q: You certainly have hobbies or a favorite activity in your free time. Can you tell us something about it?
A: I have been dancing in a show dance group for a few years now and also train a children’s dance group myself. Otherwise, I usually spend my free time in the riding stable.

Q: That sounds interesting. Why exactly that or better asked: How did this come about?
A: I have been fascinated by equestrian sports for as long as I can remember and I really enjoy dealing with the animals and being with the people from the stable. It is also a good change from everyday life in the office. I came to dance through a friend.

Q: Everyone here was allowed to snap their fingers and be somewhere else. You can now too. Where do you go?
A: To the south of Italy to the sea.

Q: And is there something special to do here?
A: Just relax in the sun and read a good book

OK! That’s it already! Thank you for the interview, although I think that you understated and deeply stacked up with the tasks with the tasks VERY BEAUTIFUL 🙂 Anyone who in the first year of their apprenticeship, due to unfortunate coincidences, had thrown the sales completely alone and so brilliantly, would have helped to be allowed to pound the question. But that’s exactly what we value you here in the administration: There is no grumbling and cedar with you, it is simply done as if it were a matter of course. On behalf of the company, I therefore wish you all the best for your training, great thirst for knowledge in the world of spices and that you not only sit firmly in the saddle not only in your hobby but also here at Hartkorn and always hold the reins firmly!
