Brand ambassador

Brand ambassador in January

We will not run out of brand ambassadors in the new year either, we say

“Hello Bettina Reussner!”

When you look at the question of how a product, or more precisely a spice is made, you immediately think of large factories, noisy machines and goods that are packed on pallets. Also true! But in order for this picture to become a reality, the production chain starts much earlier, namely with the required raw materials. An inconspicuous but incredibly important department is necessary for the procurement of these raw materials: Purchasing!

If you get to grips with the tasks of this department, you quickly get a lot of respect. As Hartkorn we have a claim according to our quality guidelines: We always want to sell our customers the best possible quality at a good price / performance ratio. To this end, purchasing struggles day after day with fluctuating raw material prices, fluctuating product qualities, unpredictable natural disasters in cultivation areas and much, much more. An incredibly complex adventure. Ms. Reussner faces this adventure every day in order to be able to provide our customers with absolutely top products. And still she found time to answer a few questions.

Hello Bettina, I hope I have outlined your job as best as possible. Thank you for giving us a little of your time 🙂 Let’s get started!

Let’s start with the basics:

Q: How long has it been with Hartkorn?
A: November 2012

Q: Favorite spice?
A: Curry Garam Masala – always a great gift in the mill 😉

Q: Marjoram or oregano?
A: Oregano – pizza is not without!

Q: Age?
A: already 50

Q: Hartkorn in 3 words?
A: Quality, family, highly motivated team

These were the questions from the poetry album, now we open a good book:

Q: How did your Hartkorn story start?
A: I’m a career changer from the textile industry. I have the commercial know-how from my training, but I had nothing to do with food beforehand. My first thought was what a great product, because I want to have a connection to the articles that I procure.

Q: We are already at Hartkorn with your task.
A: As a purchaser, I ensure that the raw materials and everything else that is needed are ready for bottling in good time and in the known good quality.

Q: You come to work in a good mood every morning because …
A: … we are a great team and no two days are alike, because we work with natural products.

Q: You like to read in your free time. What’s your favorite book
A: Oh, that changes and there are usually several at the same time. Always happy to read cookbooks, especially from Anglo-Saxon cooks, to discover new uses for our spices.

Q: If you could be somewhere else with a snap of your finger, where would you like to be now?
A: With a good book in a beach chair on the North Sea.

Bettina, thank you very much for your time and I hope that your good book will be expanded by a few exciting chapters in the next few years! All the best for that!
