
Red Cap 2018/2019 – arche noVa e.V. in portrait

After we work again with the great people of arche noVa e.V on the current project in favor of displaced and persecuted Rhingyas in Bangladesh and Myanmar, we would like to introduce you to the association.

arche noVa has been in existence for 26 years, is an internationally recognized aid organization and employs more than 220 people worldwide. Emergency aid is provided in 14 countries at present, but is also involved in long-term projects.

It all started in Dresden in 1992: 8 young people wanted to help the people in northern Iraq and organized an aid transport. That was the starting signal and the rest is history. No fewer than 123 aid projects have been undertaken since then. Over the years, 2 principles have emerged, according to which arche noVa works:

It is a firm belief that help is only possible if the recipients are included in the solution help. The classic help for self-help.
On the other hand, the realization remains that there is nothing more important than clean water.

Thus, the focus and core competence is also on “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene” (WASH). Shockingly, 650 million people worldwide still live without access to safe drinking water and more than 2.4 billion without adequate sanitation.

Clean water and hygiene are the cornerstones for efficient health care. To achieve this goal, you work closely with local actors and look for long-term solutions. Only with fast and acute disaster relief does one rely on expensive technology to be able to help at short notice.

Since 2015 we have been working with arche noVa e.V. in the course of our Red Cap donations. We highly appreciate arche’s dedicated team for their friendly, communicative nature, direct ways, feedback and much more. The good feeling that our donations really arrive where they are really needed without much “friction loss” makes our cooperation something very special.

We want to thank arche noVa, thank you for your commitment for 26 years, for the great work and all the thoughts and spirit behind the cause!

If you also want to support arche noVa, just surf over: Here you can donate directly and fairly easily online. Since it is a “non-profit organization”, you are dependent on donations. As the saying goes? “Small cattle also make crap”, so hopp hopp and do something good with a little something!
