recipe ideas

Now it’s Christmas time: We make homemade liqueurs!

In early November and already thinking about Christmas? Many will still shake their heads. It is still forever until Christmas … or not? 6 weeks remain until the big festival. 6 weeks, which usually fly faster than one or the other would like!

And so, even if it is only the beginning of November, one or the other will already get the first gifts or at least have thought about what you could give this year to the partner, parents, siblings or the nice neighbor next door. Depending on the idea, it may take some time or two to get perfect. We also know this long planning and preparation in our Christmas bar, because some drinks only become perfect after a little standing time. So that it is worth the wait, there are now 3 treasures that are a real eye-catcher at Christmas with a little patience!

What is there? Homemade liqueur or schnapps with a real Christmas feeling. Let’s start with the liqueur that needs the longest:

Orange coffee cinnamon liqueur

  •  2 oranges, untreated
  •  1 cinnamon stick
  •  approx. 20 coffee beans
  •  150 g brown sugar
  •  700 ml of vodka

Wash oranges hot and rub dry. Cut off the skin without the white skin and then carefully remove any remaining skin. Also separate the pulp from the white skin, dice and fill with the bowl, the coffee beans, the cinnamon stick and the sugar in a clean container. Pour the vodka over it and close the container tightly. After 1-2 weeks remove the cinnamon stick and then let it steep for another 3 weeks (max. 5 weeks) and occasionally swirl the jar. Thoroughly clean the bottle hot and let it dry. Filter everything through a sieve with an inserted cloth. Best in a bowl that makes things easier. Pour the liqueur into the cleaned bottle and let it steep for another 3-4 days before consumption.

Should it be something more Christmassy? No problem!

Christmas brandy

  •  1 orange
  •  1 cinnamon stick
  •  1 tsp cardamom capsules
  •  1 tsp fennel seed
  •  750 ml grain approx. 32 vol. %
  •  100 g honey

Wash oranges hot and rub dry. Cut off the skin without the white skin and then carefully remove any remaining skin. Place the orange peel, the cinnamon, the cardamom, the fennel seeds in a cleaned container and pour on the grain. Close the container tightly and let the mixture stand for approx. 2 weeks. Thoroughly hot-clean the bottle and let it dry. Filter everything through a sieve with an inserted cloth. Best in a bowl that makes things easier. Dissolve the honey in a saucepan with 200 ml of warm water. Allow to cool and fill with the filtered mixture in the prepared bottles. Close the bottle tightly and let the serving rest for another 2 weeks.

As you know, the best comes at the end, or how do you see that?

Apple and cinnamon quickie

  •  1l apple juice
  •  450 ml vodka / rum
  •  2 tsp cinnamon
  •  100 g of sugar

Boil down the apple juice with the cinnamon to 500 ml. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved and then remove the pan from the heat. Allow the liquid to cool and pour into a hot cleaned and dry container with a capacity of at least 1 l so that the cinnamon remains in the pot or filter through a cloth. Now add the vodka, close the container tightly and swirl. The liqueur can either be drunk immediately or left open in the fridge overnight.

Our shopping tip:
