Rezeptbild Kala Namak
recipe ideas

No rotten eggs with hartkorn! Kala Namak salt as an alternative for egg

The current scandal of toxic eggs (fipronil crisis) is spreading across Europe. Larger stocks have already been recalled from trade and a limit value for the insecticide has been introduced. Nevertheless, we are all unsettled and many may also avoid the egg rack. At breakfast there is perplexity. How do you remedy the situation if the beloved scrambled eggs are missing? And that’s where our Kala Namak comes in, the savior in the egg crisis. The salt with the unusual egg-like taste.

Kala Namak, our hero in this crisis, is also known as black salt because of its dark purple color. It is a rock salt that is mined in volcanic and lava mines. Typical is the distinctive taste, which arises from sulfur-containing compounds and is reminiscent of hard-boiled eggs. Salt is particularly popular in Indian / Ayurvedic cuisine and for some time now also in vegan cuisine to give the dishes the taste of eggs.

All you need is a piece of tofu (which serves as an egg replacement), some oil and our Kala Namak!

Basic recipe suggestion:

  • 150 g tofu
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • some Kala Namak
  • some turmeric for the yellow color

Simply cut the tofu into small cubes. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the tofu cubes and season with Kala Namak. Mix in some turmeric for the yellow color and the vegan scrambled eggs are ready.

The basic recipe can be supplemented in many ways, depending on your taste.

Have fun trying!

Buy Kala Namak gourmet salt here
