Brand ambassador

Brand ambassador Shahwan Al Alias

Today we want to introduce our new apprentice Shahwan to you. Brand new to us, he has actively supported our purchasing at every nook and corner. In order not only to get a comprehensive insight into all departments of our administration, but also to be able to understand the entire route of our spices, he is currently working hard in the warehouse. He will also get to know our heart, the production, in more detail in the three years of his apprenticeship, because one thing is certain: Without one of the three, our spices would not be so abundant in your kitchen cupboards!

It quickly becomes clear that boredom and monotony are out of place here! In the next few months, he will face a wide variety of tasks, which both relieve us considerably and, on the other hand, make Shahwan incredibly broad, so that he too will find his own place with us.

Shahwan, thank you for your active support so far and for taking a little time to answer a few of our questions here. We also start short and crisp:

Q: Age?
A: 18

Q: How long has it been with Hartkorn?
A: June 2017

Q: Favorite spice?
A: Spicy mint and peppers!

Q: Favorite subject at school?
A: Math and sports!

Q: Hartkorn in 3 words?
A: My second home!

That was short and sweet. Now it gets more detailed:

Q: You haven’t been in Germany for a long time, but you already speak fluent German, which is really impressive! Can you tell us how you did it in such a short time?

A: Yes, that’s right. I was actually born in Iraq and came to Germany with my family in 2013 when I was 14 years old. That was in May. I then went straight to the Goethe Realschule here in Koblenz. For the summer vacation I took all the documents with me and learned a lot, so I went straight to 8th grade afterwards. Last year I graduated there with almost only 2s.

Q: Wow! What a great achievement! And how did you find your way to us?

A: My brother has his own restaurant in Andernach, where I have been helping him for a long time. I just love food (laughs). That’s why I looked for an apprenticeship on the internet that had something to do with food. There I saw your job advertisement, applied for good luck and was warmly received by everyone!

A really nice story. Now it’s getting more private ….

Q: What do you do in your free time, when you are not at work?

A: Then I’m almost always with my family. I have 9 siblings and I am already 12 or 13 times uncle. Family is the most important thing for me! Otherwise, I also like to play football, go sailing or play billiards here in Koblenz.

Q: But you are versatile on the way. Is there anything you miss from your home here in Germany?

A: The weather, definitely! In Iraq we always had temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius.

Q: Oh, of course we can’t keep up here. If you could be somewhere else with a snap of your finger, where would you be now?

A: Now? Then in Spain, I love the weather there. I would like to be in Austria in winter. I discovered skiing there for me 3 years ago and I really enjoy it!

Shahwan, we thank you very much for the time you have taken to answer our little questions and wish you all the best with us!
