
Spice classifications

Spices and herbs, as well as mixtures made from them, are divided into certain classifications. The classification of mono products is clear, either it is a spice or a herb. It is different with mixtures, here a distinction is made between the following categories in descending qualitative order:

I. Spice mix
Mixtures made from 100% spices and herbs.

II. Spice preparation
Mixtures that consist of at least 60% spices. It may contain other taste-giving / taste-influencing or technologically necessary substances (e.g. salt, sugar, additives).

III. Seasoning salt
Mixtures that consist of at least 15% spices and contain more than 40% table salt. It may contain other taste-giving / taste-influencing or technologically necessary substances.

IV. Spice flavor preparations / salts
Spice preparations / salts in which the spices are partially or completely replaced by spice aromas.

V. Seasoning, seasoning salt, seasoning preparation or seasoning mixture
Mixtures consisting predominantly of flavor enhancers, table salt, common types of sugar or other carriers; they can also contain condiments and yeast, vegetables, mushrooms, spices, herbs and / or extracts from them.

As a result, it can be said that the categories I-III are the higher quality. The spice and herb content is predominant here and additives, if any, only play a subordinate role. Our range consists exclusively of the first three categories and we do without categories IV and V out of conviction.
