spice perception

History of spices – part 4

In the 19th century, the spice trade, which had become difficult to control, was finally liberalized. All influence was removed from the colonial trading company, which had monopolies. The end of the colonial era was heralded, so that spices and exotic foods such as chocolate, cinnamon, marzipan, tea and coffee from the pharmacy supply passed into the grocery trade and were on everyone’s lips in no time.

Private ocean fleets took over the freight business in the 20th century. Transport costs fell, the aircraft was opened up as an additional fast means of transport, and spices became an increasingly common everyday product. A product made from inconspicuous parts of plants, packaged in small boxes, but which pushed and pushed the discovery of entire continents as well as developments in shipbuilding and navigation.

Looking back at this long career, the importance and the actual value of the spices are kept in mind. It is all the more important that attention is paid to high-quality raw materials. However, we are happy to take care of that for you, so that you are only spoiled for choice in the markets and do not have to worry about the banquet!
