Red Cap Donation
Why stop doing good?
After we started our first RED CAP fundraising campaign in 2015, and we were very touched by the results of the project, we are still in close contact with the aid organization arche noVa – Initiative für Menschen in Not e.V. You can imagine that the situation in Syria is still more than explosive. The medical care of the civilian population is catastrophic. The few still functioning facilities need urgent support according to the assessment of arche noVa.
That is why we have decided this year again to make a contribution to give back a little hope to the people in Syria. Therefore we are sending the RED CAP donation box into the race for the second time. From 31.10.2016 on you will find the cans with the red lid in stores again. 5 Cent of every sold RED CAP donation box will be donated to arche noVa.
Thanks to your help the campaign was a huge success last year! Let us together make sure that this year’s campaign can continue seamlessly.
Why do we donate?
We donate a part of our income to help people in emergency situations. Our spices come from the most diverse regions of the world. We firmly believe that as one of the more prosperous countries in the world, we have a great responsibility towards the people who are not well.
How do we donate?
To support people in emergency situations we launched the RED CAP donation box last year. This year we will again donate 5 cents of the sales proceeds of each RED CAP can sold. You can check the current donation amount on our counter on the homepage. The donation amount will be used for the relief organization arche noVa – Initiative für Menschen in Not e.V.
For our 2nd RED CAP fundraising campaign we have again decided to focus on the topic of refugee aid and would like to support an aid project of arche noVa for the preservation and modernization of the largest still functioning hospital in Northern Syria.

About the project:
arche noVa is active in Syria since the end of 2012. The main objective of the measures is to ensure the survival of the people in the rural areas of Northern Syria (e.g. through food distribution, repair of the water supply systems, waste disposal). A hospital in Northern Syria, near the Turkish border, currently has a special need for assistance. The hospital is the largest still functioning in the whole region and is responsible for an estimated 350,000 people. Among other things, medical equipment is urgently needed here.
And this is exactly where we would like to contribute together with you to support and successfully implement the aid project of arche noVa:
With every Red Cap donation box you buy, you make it possible to finance urgently needed equipment in an extension.
Transparency of donations!
Together with arche noVa we inform you about the use of the donations through the RED CAP donation box on our homepage. arche noVa – Initiative für Menschen in Not e.V. has been carrying the DIZ donation seal since 1993. The DIZ Spendensiegel guarantees the efficient and responsible handling of the entrusted donations.
We hope for a great support!